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Simulated Dobutamine HCl (5 vials/unit) Model: dobuV Manufacturer: PharmProps, LLC
Price: $13.75
Weight: 0.6lbs
This vial contains only water, but is labeled to simulate dobutamine HCl. The marked concentration is 12.5 mg/mL. The vial contains 20 mL or 250 mg. ... more info |

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Simulated Dopamine, 400 mg/5 mL (10 vials/unit) Model: dopa5V Manufacturer: PharmProps, LLC
Price: $15.00
Weight: 0.2lbs
This vial contains only water, but is labeled to simulate dopamine HCl. The marked concentration is 80 mg/mL. The vial contains 5 mL or 400 mg. Sold ... more info |

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Simulated Epinephrine 1:1000 Multidose Vial (5 vials/unit) Model: epiv Manufacturer: PharmProps, LLC
Price: $15.00
Weight: 0.75lbs
This vial contains only water, but is labeled to simulate epinephrine 1:1000. The vial contains 30 mL. Sold in units of 5 vials PharmProps' simulated ... more info |

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Simulated Epinephrine 1:1000 Single Dose Vial (10 vials/unit) Model: epiampV Price: $12.50
Weight: 0.2lbs
This vial contains only water, but is labeled to simulate epinephrine 1:1000. The 2 mL vial contains 1 mL. Sold in units of 10 vials PharmProps' ... more info |

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Simulated Epinephrine Preloaded Syringe (5 syringes/unit) Model: epiPLS Manufacturer: PharmProps, LLC
Price: $15.00
Weight: 0.3lbs
This syringe contains only water, but is labeled to simulate epinephrine 1:10,000. The marked concentration is 0.1 mg/mL. The syringe contains 10 mL ... more info |

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Simulated Etomidate Preloaded Syringe (5 syringes/ Model: etomPLS Manufacturer: PharmProps, LLC
Price: $15.00
Weight: 0.5lbs
This syringe contains only water, but is labeled to simulate etomidate. The marked concentration is 2 mg/mL. The syringe contains 20 mL or 40 mg. ... more info |

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Simulated Etomidate, 10 mL, (10 vials/unit) Model: etomv Manufacturer: PharmProps, LLC
Price: $15.00
Weight: 0.5lbs
This vial contains only water, but is labeled to simulate etomidate. The marked concentration is 2 mg/mL. The vial contains 10 mL or 20 mg. Sold in ... more info |

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Simulated Fentanyl 500mcg/10 mL Preloaded Syringe (5 syringes/un Model: fentPLS Manufacturer: PharmProps, LLC
Price: $15.00
Weight: 0.5lbs
This syringe contains only water, but is labeled to simulate fentanyl. The marked concentration is 50 mcg/mL. The syringe contains 10 mL or 500 mcg. ... more info |

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Simulated Fentanyl Citrate (10 vials/unit) Model: fentv Price: $12.50
Weight: 0.2lbs
This vial contains only water, but is labeled to simulate fentanyl citrate. The marked concentration is 50 mcg/mL. The vial contains 2 mL or 100 mcg. ... more info |

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Simulated Flumazenil 0.5 mg/5 mL (10 vials/unit) Model: flu5v Manufacturer: PharmProps, LLC
Price: $15.00
Weight: 0.5lbs
This vial contains only water, but is labeled to simulate flumazenil. The marked concentration is 0.1 mg/mL. The vial contains 5 mL or 0.5 mg. Sold ... more info |